Enough is Enough
Lately I have been very busy with my school work. Being a senior is no easy task, especially when the job hunt is thrown into the mix. I've found myself revamping my resume and trying to get interviews. It is very scary to think about, there are so many thoughts about finding a job, should I accept any job that is offered to me? Should I be selective because I am trying to start my career? Do I know everything that I need to? Will I fail to enjoy what I select? The list of questioning goes on and on.
I have been in a state of puzzlement and anxiety lately. It is hard to pinpoint the main reason for this but I feel like it comes down to food....I am confused about what foods to eat...
This may sound like a funny statement, here is a food science person, who loves food, and she is confused about what she wants to eat. Well my confusion stems from food sources and diet. I have been reading a lot about the goodness of eating a raw diet. But I am resistant to going in that direction because 1 I love to cook and love cooked food and 2 because the diet is usually based on a lot of tropical fruits and veggies- I have been trying to reduce my footprint on the planet by buying more local fair. But I still want to be healthy, and somehow I feel guilty for not diving into the raw food thing (?).
In conjunction with changed habits over the summer, to the discovery of a food co-op, and the participation in the Eat Local challenge, I've switched where I choose to buy my food, I now buy at the local co-op, a student organic farm stand, and a health food store. I also have been trying to base my diet on fruits and vegetables and limited amounts of organic, free range meat. However, I've gotten myself stuck in a rut. I eat mostly apples, salads, eggs, bread, and some meat products. Then when I do buy something like ramen noodles ( a college staple) I feel guilty that it is unhealthy and not organic. I'm going round in circles with these types of thoughts. It has really taken a toll on me.
So tonight I have thrown caution to the wind and have whipped up one of my favorite desserts. A dessert that relies solely on the quality of it's ingredients: creme brule. Luckily I have kept it to organic cream, Michigan sugar (Pioneer), free range eggs( which two of the eggs I put in were double yolks, what are the chances of that!) and some Madagascan vanilla beans ( A gift from a friend who traveled there). So I am going to have my fabulous dessert and remind myself of my life motto Good Food, Good Friends, Good Life. The job search will work out in the end, I will continue to challenge my food choices but should not feel guilty for any "short comings" I see in indulging once in a while.