My Wish
Many times people talk about what they want for the world. Usually it is the most practiced question for the Miss America pageants and the pc response is "World Peace" and who knows maybe the new answer will be "To Stop Global Warming". However, I have been reflecting on my life and the lives of my fellow Americans. What I see is vast and different. But I have seen some similarities among most things. We are BUSY! Busy Busy. Adults are working at least 40 hours a week and trying to raise families. And looking around my college campus people are even busier going to classes all day, working, then staying up half the night to study/write papers. So what is it I wish for the world? Really, I might be influenced by Europe in my answer. But I really wish that people could slow down and take time for themselves. That people could slow down and every day share at least 2 meals with other people. That in this people could connect and have meaningful conversation. That people would then also take the time to see what they are eating, slow down and savor it. We have started trashing our bodies with fast food and in turn the great demand for this fast cheap food is trashing the planet. I have a strong sense that stressed out people are quick to jump to conclusions, are quick to judge and that can lead to misunderstanding and even worse hate. I wish for people (especially Americans) to slow down and share meals, and hopefully this will lead to happier healthier lives. For in this day and age I do see people that are happy, or think that they are happy, but I also see a lot of angry stressed out people that just need a break. Instead of saving up for vacations we should be putting time into making today great. Into having a 30-60 minute vacation every time we eat. Because isn't that a huge part of a vacation, going out to eat and experiencing culture through food?
Maybe what I am really trying to do is reaffirm to myself that I need to slow down and savor the life that is right in front of me. Because, before too long this part of my life will have passed me by, and I don't want to remember me passing up living for working/studying.