Big Business and Local Production
Big Business and Local production
Our food system is so complex no wonder everyone is confused. The industry uses words like natural, all natural, organic, make with organic ingredients, reduced fat, fat free, reduced sodium, and now we are entering the sustainable and local phases of food marketing. However, there are many rules and regulations about what each of these words mean. I can call a product low fat or fat free depending on fat percentages, and an "organic" product is different from a "made with organic ingredients" product if .
So therefore what does free trade mean? What doe local mean? What about this term sustainable? There really isn't a definition in industry for sustainable. And there usually is more to the story of fair trade than is realized by most consumers.
Now the trend in food systems is to have local production. Mostly this can only be met in the fresh produce section or by very small and specialized processors.
I am curious to see how the trends in the market place will continue to grow or fade out. Will local production have a place with big business? I can't wait to see what develops.