This fall semester has been very intense for me on many different levels. Lately I have been interviewing for internships with companies like Kellogs, Pepsico, and maybe Dominoes. I am so lucky to be in a field where internships are paid and give great experience. I must admit that I am intimidated by all of it but I am getting better and better in interviews (I hope).
I have been very bad with posting and hopefully I'll get myself into gear and post more and with that hopefully it will become easier for me to navigate around this blogging world. I have many exciting thoughts running through my head lately. Much of it is due to a wonderful program I am involved in called The Bailey Scholars. I call it Bailey for short. Bailey has helped me figure myself out a lot and it has also turned me back to this blog that I started for too many reasons to name.
Due to the fact that I should be studying at the moment I am going to post some pictures of my wonderful study abroad that hopefully I'll post about in a more indepth post later on.

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