Sunday, January 29, 2006

No More Dorm!

I am sitting here drinking my first cup of coffee in my new place. I am excited, liberated, and a bit nervous about all of the new responsibilites that an apartment comes with. But no more do I feel like a hampster living in a little box. No, in the words of pinocio "I'm a real boy". I feel like a real person again.
My wonderful friend H helped me and S ( my roomate) move everything over on Friday. Then on Saturday my wonderful parents came and brought us a bunch of kitchen supplies and some end tables. My birthday cameith early. I got my own set of T-Fal pots and pans ( as my sister refused to share her's with me) and a new set of dishes that are white and shades of blue. Today we are going shopping for our first stock up on food and other household items that we are in need of. I am very nervous about how much that is going to rack up to. But then again some of it like flour, sugar, and baking powder are things that we aren't going to have to buy every trip to the store.
This shall be an exciting adventure and hopefully I will also be able to further develop my blog. To summerize my current life ; in about one and a half months I will turn 20, living on a campus apartment, and writing in my spare time on a food blog. I am not sure if there is anyone else under this situation. Many of my friends I am sure would not understand the way of a developing foodie ( as my palate is not yet refined). However the roomate S understands a little, she likes to linger over gossip blogs.
Here's to a new chapter of my life as a budding food science major, with her own pad to experiment with.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Well I don't have much to write about because I do not regurlary cook my own food. Living in the dorms I eat things that I would rather not, but my alternative is to go broke or hungry. So I just tend to complain about it with my roomate. But then again she has a lot more to complain about as she can eat only about 1/4 of what I can (celiac- no gluten).
I also can't really give any good resturant reviews... unless people want to know about Big Ten Buritto. Or the occasional thing I microwave.
But change might be in the air. I don't want to curse myself, but I might soon be living somewhere with a kitchen! How wonderful!

Friday, January 13, 2006

A Short Piece of Advice

Americans are so rushed and busy these days that many people find the easiest things to eat on the go. I would just like to ask everyone to slow down and enjoy the process of sitting down to a meal. Good food should never be rushed. We have disconnected ourselves not only from where our food comes from, how it is made, but now we have disconnected ourselves from each other by eating our meals alone, in our cars, and sometimes in front of computer screens. 

So I ask that at least once a day you sit down with others and enjoy a meal slowly. Then reflect upon if you enjoyed the meal more, connected more with the person you are eating with, and perhaps you may discover that you have slowed down to choose a better for you meal and have possibly eaten less because you are actually concentrating on what you are putting into your body.