Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Mr. Eight O'Clock Coffee

Oh Mr. Eight O'Clock Coffee how I do love thee.

We all have things that we have grown up on and nothing else tastes quite right but that specific brand. Well for me and coffee it is Eight O'Clock Coffee. The perfect blend of Columbian grown coffee that does not have that acid taste that I despise in coffees. Even some specality coffees have that acid flavor that upsets my tastebuds.

Fair Trade.

With the release of the movie Hotel Rwanda the genocide that occurred in Rwanda has been exposed to many that never knew about it. This horrible occurance killed many many people and devestated the economy. Rwanda was not a huge exporter to begin with but did grow coffee. However it was not a huge market for them. In wanting to help build Rwanda's economy back up a Michigan State university and a Texas A&M professor started project PEAERL. Their solution was to help revamp the coffee farms and start selling specality coffee.
There are now about 13 co ops around Rwanda that are selling this specality coffee. They have supplied it all around East Lansing and to other countries such as England. I love this project but I'm not much on the actual product. I guess my palate isn't mature enougnh and I will stay with the eight o clock brand...and then again I don't like much wine either. But we won't go there because I'm not legal.

Friday, December 02, 2005


Here is the group left to right: My older sister Holly, My roomate Sarah, Me, Mom and Dad

Here is a picture of the bird. You will have to excuse the photo. I am still working on my food photography. Hopefully it shall improve as I progress. I also know that this post is rather late. But I have been busy/ lazy. School just happens to get in the way of the blogging. I would like to get into the habit of blogging more, however I don't really have much to blog about my personal cooking as I do not cook for myself I eat in the dorms and I really don't like the relive the horror that is every meal in the cafiteria.
So the Turkey Day Menu was:
Honey Baked Ham
Sweet potatoes topped with golden marshmallows
Mashed potatoes
Green Bean Casserole
Ambrosia Salad
Cranberries from a can ( A tradition and I wouldn't have them any other way)
And a Crustless pecan Pie ( For S)
And a pumpkin pie as well