Friday, December 02, 2005


Here is the group left to right: My older sister Holly, My roomate Sarah, Me, Mom and Dad

Here is a picture of the bird. You will have to excuse the photo. I am still working on my food photography. Hopefully it shall improve as I progress. I also know that this post is rather late. But I have been busy/ lazy. School just happens to get in the way of the blogging. I would like to get into the habit of blogging more, however I don't really have much to blog about my personal cooking as I do not cook for myself I eat in the dorms and I really don't like the relive the horror that is every meal in the cafiteria.
So the Turkey Day Menu was:
Honey Baked Ham
Sweet potatoes topped with golden marshmallows
Mashed potatoes
Green Bean Casserole
Ambrosia Salad
Cranberries from a can ( A tradition and I wouldn't have them any other way)
And a Crustless pecan Pie ( For S)
And a pumpkin pie as well

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