Sunday, November 05, 2006

Playin with our food

On Friday night I helped out one of my good friends N with a little homework assignment. Of course it involved food. She was to try new friuts and take photos and write about it. Well we ended up having a lot of fun playing with the scraps.

This was our selection of fruit to try/play with.

Too bad this one didn't taste all that great.

This was our first go.....

..... and then we made a friend.....

And because the first one was so much fun to make we made this little guy as his friend.


Joe said...

Ha! Too cute!

Mike Eberhart said...

I love the creative use of the fruits. And, that facial expression tells it all too! :)

God way to get kids to eat their fruit and veggies I'm thinking.

Found your blog via Shauna's, and your comment about baking GF stuff for a friend. Good luck, though it really isn't that hard if you have good recipes. You'll do just fine.